"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the
best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong when everything

seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day

and I believe in miracles." — Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We really have had some lovely themes this year...
I am going to do things a little bit backwards and tell you what our theme for next week is before I do last week's posting.
Our theme for next week is "WET"...which I think is pretty wide open...I asked Mike if he thought the cat (my ever long suffering Misty) would mind being thrown in the pool so that I could take a photo....Mike's response - "How about I throw you in the pool and I will take a photo of you" ---- I think not - it is after all the middle of winter, but you made your point Mike, I guess it would not be fair to the cat....
Anyway, once again with our theme this week, we showcased the difference in seasons on opposite sides of the world..
Mariette's pretty windy, road first...
First thing that I noticed about Mariette's picture is how GREEN it is ....

And the first thing Mariette noticed about mine is how dry it is...

I also love Claire's photo - those clouds and the light in the upper part of the photo, make the picture really very dramatic...
Well done to all of us....Any ideas anyone on what I can do for WET next week - Watch this space....I am sure it will be interesting once again to see how we all interpret this theme....
Before I go - um ... Claire just a gently nudge - WHERE ARE YOU....Missing you on your blog...
Pam - Missing you - Hope you can play again soon.....
Anyway, that's it from me tonight - Lots and lots of love


I can not remember what week we are on - or whose theme it was, but I knew exactly what I wanted to take....
First Mariette - with a cute picture of Purrloin - the little kitty that they got about a month ago, who was so very ill when they first got her that she had to spend a couple of nights at the vet...BUT look at her now - growing in size (weight) and cuteness...
She really is beuatiful...

Claire went (Like me) went for the more common growth with her lovely purple flower...

My picture is of Bradley's avo tree which he and my mom grew from a pip, when it was about thirty cm's we planted it in the garden - Brad was about seven at the time - and I fully intended to take an annual photo of Brad and the tree, to show the growth of each of them...Sadly I never did this...and although the tree has never given us any fruit - it now holds the proud title of "tallest" tree in the garden....
I am reminded that there are so many cute little things that our children say and do when they are growing up, that with time and age, we forget and lose it for ever...
I always intended to write the cute things down and I mentioned to a collegue at work the other day that he really should write this cute story down, so that one day he and his wife can look back and remember the cuteness...
His story is of his seven year old daughter, with whom he had been discussing carnivores and herbivores and explaining the difference and telling for example that a lion is a carnivore and a sheep is a herbivore - she thinks about it for a minute and then says "So, Bear Grills is an EVERYVORE....because he eats everything"  -  How cute is that...
Anyway, that is my post on Growth - next we have Roads....

Ummm - Not so up to date...and Sunsets

Ok, I am not quite making the once a week update, but I am trying and at least have managed to take photos and submit them to the other TUM ladies more or less on time (make that less then more) - but ....Oh well - Let's get going with the catch up....
My last post was machines and then we had sunsets...
First up Claire -

Claire took a slightly different take on the theme, with the sunset rays falling on the model and walls of the castle....Lovely - Interestingly the very next evening Claire posted a stunning sunset shot on her blog with the caption - "Why couldn't we have had this last night...Yes, Claire - you know the story "Best laid plans of mice and men... " and all that jazz....We really do not control our lives, we just have to make the best of what we are given, when we are given it....

Next we have my Sunset....

And Finally Mariette's awesome sunset....

Mariette - you're photograhy is so beautiful - You are growing with each shot you take and growing is our next theme....

Monday, June 18, 2012

TUM - Week ??? - Machines

We all managed to take photos for this theme...Mariette admitted to struggling a bit with the theme, because she over analysed what a machine is, but eventually just decided to go with it...and produced a very good picture...
Next Claire - also went with a picute of a MACHINE that is more a women's domain then a guys ----- oooooops is that too sexist - I must just tell you once again the Claire's husband Lance makes a stunning cup of coffee, so perhaps in the McGeer house the kettle is UNISEX...

Interesting (and I have only just noticed it) how both pictures hold reflections

Pam and I both went with earthmoving machinery...Her's first - taken whilst they were doing some grading at home last weekend...

I took mine (last minute rush) out of the car window whilst on the way to work last Monday...Must admit - I did expect a pretty blurred picture, so was very surprised that it came out quite nicely...

Well done to all four of us for getting it together....Let's try and keep it going.....if not for ourselves then for each other....
Our pictures of Sunsets were due on Friday last week - Mariette sent a lovely picture on the weekend, I am going to have a look at what I can send out once I have finished this post - Claire has promised to send something through this evening - we have not heard from Pam, so assume that she is having another hectic week - Miss you Pam, and love it when you have enough time to join us... :-)
Due on Friday  - is GROWTH - I have a few ideas - (does that mean my creativity is sticking around - you betcha - it doesn't have much choice, as I have tied it very firmly to my bedside table - it ain't goin' anywhere...), so until Sunsets - Lots and lots of love....

I'm Back...

I hope...It has been a while hasn't it....All my creativity has been MIA (Missing in  Action)-except there was no action where it went, but becasue my TUM buddies missed me more then I missed my creativity, I am trying to re-capture it and make sure that it never goes astray for that long again - I mean a long weekend is all very nice BUT almost two months - I don't think so...Anyway, I did not even take photos for TUM and eventually I knew that the girls were getting really, LIKE REALLY worried about me, so here I am ....when I started realising just how much I had missed, I started panicking, now when you have that much catching up to do - you can get pretty frightened and I was wandering how on earth I was going to manage...and I thought of a phrase that I use often....You eat an elephant a spoon at a time, but still how many spoons would I need - then wonderful, Mariette suggested that I don't try to catch up - just start from the next theme - I grabbed at this suggestion with both hands, and so I forgive myself for what I have missed (I hope everone else does as well) and without further ado ---- our theme for last week was "Machines..."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog Your Heart - March

This is just a really short, quick little post ----- Actually a question:-
"Do you think that if we (as humans) stop doing the things that calm or feed our souls, we eventually become incapable, of doing those very things"...  I have been thinking a lot about my recent state of mind and loss of creative mojo and have realised that I had put off being creative....For me being creative (and that can be any number of things, from taking photos for TUM or decoupaging or sewing or scrapbooking - and in fact I have not done any scrap booking in almost two years), is an integral part of who I am - and that is not to say that I create the most amazing orginal things - I don't think I do, but for me it is the "doing" instead of the "result" which is important....
Anyway, I started to feel better, when I decided to knit myself a jersey - of all things....but once I had bought the wool and needles and pattern and started it...I began to feel a whole lot better....Now my only concern is - am I going to be able to finish the jersey before I get bored of knitting - I hope so....

TUm - Week 13 - Wood

And now we have WOOD - this is actually the week before last week's theme, so I am a little bit behind - but who is counting...
It was Mariette's theme - Lovely photo Mariette of a tree with some pretty moss growing on it...
Next is Claire - a wooden floor - from her recent trip to Poland...

I took a picure of a wooden box - with a wedding invitation in it...I love it -
I did ask Rochelle if I could use her wedding inivitation on my blog and she said "Of course - just be sure to make special mention of me"...so Rochelle here is your "special" mention" - I love your wedding invitation - a unique and novel idea...(that is why it is deserving of a place on my blog), I am so looking forward to celebrating your wedding with you and Shaun, on the 11th May (just kidding - 12th May) - I am sure it is going to be every bit as special and unique as the invitation, and as you prepare for the rest of your lives together - always remember to have fun, never forget to laugh together, never take each other for granted and ...
And here is my Wood picture for the week...
That is my posting for this week - NEXT Week - actually no last week .... well whatever - the next theme is ORB...Claire moved house last week, and sent an e-mail saying she had a stunning photo, but her internet connection is not yet up - so Mariette and I are patiently waiting ----- Hope your move went ok ANG....Hope you are getting settled and looking forward to you being "in contact" again....Missing you - To our other missing TUM lady (Pam) - it really is strange being only three....Miss you tons, but absense does make the heart grow fonder, so we will appreciate you more when you come back....
Lots of love